Keeping Connected

The Winchester College community extends well beyond the flint walls. The bonds that develop during your time at school last a lifetime and Winchester College Society will keep you connected to the school and each other.  

Alumni Support

Wide-reaching events

Working with our American and Hong Kong Friends, and the Old Wykehamist Guilds, we host events around the world and at home. Our community includes Old Wykehamists, parents past and present, dons, Old Quiristers, the Friends of Winchester College, and the Crown and Manor Club.  

Inspiring philanthropy

As well as bringing people together, Winchester College Society also encourages a culture of giving. Since its foundation, the school has relied upon philanthropy; William of Wykeham set the example in 1382 with the gift of the school, the land, buildings and an endowment. An integral part of the vision was to provide, through charitable endowment, access to education for those who would benefit most, irrespective of their financial background. The donations received in the past have made the school what it is today. We are carrying on the tradition, fundraising to benefit Wykehamists of the future.  

Group in War Cloister

Friends of Winchester College

The Friends of Winchester College was formed in 1989 with the objective of forming closer bonds between the School, the local community, parents, staff, Wykehamists and past visitors.  For a small annual fee (£50), the Friends meet to enjoy a wide range of talks, special events and concerts.  Some events are held online. All profits made by the Friends support community-related projects within the school.

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Each term the College hosts a full programme of talks and events, which are open to those in our school community and the Friends of Winchester College.

The annual Heritage Open Days festival is an opportunity for members of the public to attend free specialist tours and expert talks.

Corporate event conference talk web

“Donations have a significant impact on current Wykehamists. Winchester was founded on philanthropy. This tradition has continued, paving the way for future success. ”

Director of Development