Dónal McCann

Head of Chapel Music and Choral Partnerships

Dónal directs the College’s Chapel Choir, and is responsible for the musical education of the Quiristers. In his new role as Head of Choral Partnerships, he fosters relationships locally and further afield, creating new and inspiring musical experiences.

His musical education began as a chorister at St Peter’s Cathedral, Belfast, before taking up organ lessons with Professor Gerard Gillen at St Mary’s Pro Cathedral, Dublin. He achieved the FRCO diploma with the Limpus prize aged 17. Dónal read music and was an organ scholar at King’s College, Cambridge, accompanying the world-renowned chapel choir in services, recordings, international tours and broadcasts, including A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. He graduated with a double first and took up the post of Assistant Organist at New College, Oxford. Whilst in Oxford he released his debut solo album to critical acclaim, featuring works by Bach and Walther.

Dónal is co-principal keyboardist of the Oxford Bach Soloists, and as an international organ recitalist he recently performed in Westminster Abbey and opened the restored organ of St Lawrence Church, Vittoriosa in Malta. He has featured as a guest organists with many ensembles, including the Instruments of Time & Truth, the Ulster Orchestra and Academy of Ancient Music. He is also an award-winning composer, his music recently being performed by the BBC Singers on BBC Radio 3.